EWP Registry Service

Manifest Status Report

Manifest URL: https://unizoneewp.it.auth.gr/rest/manifest/univ-larochelle.fr

Last access attempt: 2024-07-27 08:20:01.419 (29 minutes ago)
Last access status: Error
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Last access notices

Error API omobilities is already in the registry under URL: https://lruniv-ewp.moveonfr.com/v1/omobility/get. It will not be imported.
Error API omobility-cnr is already in the registry under URL: https://lruniv-ewp.moveonfr.com/v1/omobility/cnr. It will not be imported.
Error API imobilities is already in the registry under URL: https://lruniv-ewp.moveonfr.com/v1/imobility/get. It will not be imported.
Error API imobility-cnr is already in the registry under URL: https://lruniv-ewp.moveonfr.com/v1/imobility/cnr. It will not be imported.